Rules and Regulations

For PSI Orations, please follow the guidelines:

The Physiological Society of India invites applications for PSI Orations from the distinguished Physiologists, Scientists, and Researchers of India and abroad. Most of the Orations will be delivered in ensuing Annual Conference of the Society and the remaining in the one-day Scientific Seminar of the Society that is conventionally organised on the day of Annual General Body Meeting of the Society on 13th July every year. 

Interested candidates are requested to submit their completed application as per the Application Proforma given below:

Application Proforma in PDF Format, and in docx format.

The Last Date of Submission of Complete Application is 31st March of the concerned Year.



For PSI Young Scientist Research Awards follow the guidelines:

The applicant for the Research Award should be a citizen of India, and his/her conduct must be good enough to be certified by the research guide or any person responsible.

The duration of the publication will be considered from 1st Jan of two years before the concerned year to 31st March of the concerned year (i.e., the duration will be 01-01-2023 to 31-03-2025 for the Young Scientist Awards of 2025, and so on).

The applicant must be a member of the Physiological Society of India or have applied for membership (proof must be submitted) before application submission.  

The applicant shall be within the age group of thirty-five (35) years on or before 31st December of the concerned year for consideration of the Award.


Applicants with full details, as mentioned below, must be submitted to the Hony. General Secretary, PSI via email: 

(a) Name of the Candidate 

(b) Age on 31st December of the concerned year (with proof of date of birth) 

(c) Contact Address, E-mail, Telephone (Office and Residence) 

(d) Category of Membership  

(e) Academic Qualifications (with Degree, Year of Passing, Institution From which passed, subject) 

(f) Research Organization/ Institution to which attached 

(g) Full details of research paper (Name of Journal where the paper has been published, with Year, Month, Volume No., Page, Author, Title, Latest Impact Factor) 

(h) A Declaration to be signed by the applicant: “Information given above is correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. The paper has not been awarded anywhere previously or has not been submitted elsewhere for consideration of any Award in the same concerned year for which applied”.

(i) In the case of multiple authors for the publication, approval/consent from co-authors and/or the senior author should accompany the application.


A panel of five best papers will be announced by the Executive Committee, PSI, for the Five PSI Young Scientist Awards, and the EC’s decision is final. 

A certificate and a medal will be awarded to the selected Awardee at the venue of the Annual Conference of PSI (or any other special meeting). 


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